Advice for my Agressive Clownfish


Premium member
Hello everyone, I have had a pair of tank raised Onyx Clown fish (true percula) for seven years. They have grown to become a typical mated pair. For the last three years, I have had them in a 16 gallon nano tank. Over the years, they have become very territorial of their tank and refuse to allow any new fish live with them.

I want to add a third or possibly 4th fish to my tank, but I know that if I add them now, the clowns will likely nip and ultimately kill their new tank mates. I have come up with a few scenarios which might work and wanted to run them past you all to see what you thought.

Scenario 1: Remove both clowns from their existing tank and put them into a different tank for X amount of time. After X amount of time has passed, re introduce them into their original tank with new fish.

Scenario 2: Remove both clowns from their existing tank and sell them or trade them for another less aggressive pair.

Ideally, scenario 1 would be best because I have grown attachment to my clowns over the years. I wouldn't want to get rid of them. However, I wonder if this plan will even work? Also, how much time should they be removed from their tank to break their territorial bonds?

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Ultimately depends on your specific pair. I've had an aggressive pair of B&W's in an old 24AP, removed them for about 2 weeks, added a firefish during their removal and added them back. No issues unless the firefish was near their anemone. But I heard stores of clowns that still recognize their surroundings and resume terrorizing.

Another question is what type of fish do you want to add? I feel like you need to add a semi-aggressive fish such as a midas blenny or flameback angel in order to compete with your clowns. Small peaceful fish may be toast.
Clowns are agressive when paired up and older...You may move them different tank (if you still like them). I got a pair too and so agressive when I put my hand near where they laid eggs, but it 120 gallon tank and has lot of fish so no problem there. They don't let any fish go near their eggs. 16 gallon is just enough for one pair of clowns (may 1 or 2 more small fish), but like you said they will kill new fish. Or you can try trade/sell them and get 1 or 2 fishes put in first then buy another clowns.
Yup, remove them. Re aqua scape if possible. Leave them out for a couple weeks while the new fish settles in. If they continue to pick on the new fish i would remove them again for another couple weeks. Good luck!