advice with zoas/palys


New member
Hi I had a 72g fowlr tank for 6 successful years and i recently bought a 130 clarity plus that looked like someone put there kid in there to play with a box of nails lol after tons of hours sanding the tank out it looks great. anyway i have cycled the tank and i have had 3 blue cromis with 6 crabs. well this tank is going to be a reef tank and my question to you all is what would you suggest i start out with? and when im @ tlfs they are on a plate do you just set the plate in your live rock ? thanks
I would suggest starting whatever it is you are adding on the bottom. You should do a light acclimation before moving or putting anything up too high. What kind of lighting are you using btw? Then we can go from there. And what is the height of the tank?
If you don't like the looks of the frag plugs you can usually pop the frag loose and super glue gel it to the rock.
the lighting is only a 42 in coral life t5 with 4 bulbs and the hight is 22 in from the top of the substrate top top of tank. thanks
Regarding fish, I suggest you start by adding the least aggressive fish first and give them time to acclimate. Here is alink to a reef safe fish list:

Regarding corals, I suggest you start with whatever you want to keep based on your setup. There are different care requirements in sps, lps, and softies, meaning, there are easy to keep sps and difficult to keep sps. If you like the look of sps, don't be turned off by the difficulty stigma that comes with sps. The most important/difficult part to keeping any reef aquarium is keeping waters parameters stable. Your success with any coral variety will vastly improve with water quality, research, and patience.