AI Hydra settings

im considering those, yes, they are out, the Hydra 52 wont be for a few more months though, comparable to the XR30 PRO, retail $600.00

IRA, please let me know how you like the fixture!
I use the Radion and love it, the Reef Link tied to it makes it even better, if I were you I'd wait a little bit longer and check it out. Really well worth it. Even better if you run any VorTechs. Just my .02
i have thought about that, but for me that would be, another $500, not to mention not even full spectrum (no UV) the hydras have the violet and ultra violet spectrum
They look great. However I think I burned my bonsai's. They are getting white at the tips and I am at no more than 60 percent on anything. I had acclimation mode on for 2 weeks and now that its off this mode, they started bleaching. I have since returned it to acclimation mode..
Any advice? I have 2 of these over my 57 Illuminata.
im sure they are VERY nice, but for $500.00 less and Full spectrum, the hydras are up my alley, plus im running jebaos for flow, dont thinki see myself getting vortechs at all. but i do really like the relationship between the two, just cant justify it at this point in time.
i wish i could help, but i have NO experiance in actually using LEDS. just doing my research ATM for my purchase. i think you could adjust them to about 30% and be fine, one thing i know about LEDS is that even thought to your eyes it doesnt look as bright as say T-5s, you are puttin out the same par, so you dont have to crank up the intensity to look like how your prev lighting looked, you can get the same par out of LEDS but it will look a little dimmer to the naked eye.
Ira, do you use the Radion or Hydra?

Smacker, the Radion does have UV, it just depends which model. Also which one are you comparing against to get the 500 $ difference? Out of curiosity.

I'll be happy to help you out the best I can on a Radion. (if that is what you use)

I started my reef out on the default setting of "Fastest Growth" and set the auto accumulation time. My light is about 12 inches above the water and 12 inch deep tank. I do not have any SPS and all my corals ended up up being perfectly fine. I'd recommend moving the coral that is start to bleach to a slightly shaded area for the timing being and slowing moving it to the desired place. (that is assuming all your other corals are doing fine)

Some corals require much more time to get used to light changes, which makes it a bit harder in a mixed reef to get everyone perfect on the first time around.
i am comparing to the gen 2 radions not the pros those are WAY WAY WAY out of my price range. i was talking what you get for your $$ and at $550.00 a pop right now for the Radion G2 the Hydras at $399.00 look mighty tempting.

Edit, i would need 3 for my build 3 hydras@ $1200.00 or 3 Radion g2's @ $1650.00 = $450.00 difference, which honestly would end up being close to $400 difference considering you have to buy the NEW CONTROLLER for the Hydras to run any programming.. so i was off about $100 difference but $400 is still something i would consider another model over.
Hydra - 20 LEDs - Two of which are pretty much useless (UV's)

Radion - 32 LEDs - Sweet! Not to mention better ability to program IMO, far stronger of a company, with more innovation updates and releases to date, and much much better customer support.

To each their own, but I did want to point that out. There is normally a reason for cost difference.
And hydra fifty two has 52 LEDs not 30. But to each his own. I have a ai vega and love it. IMO I think ai has better controlling ability with the new controller and you don't need a computer to change you settings
And hydra fifty two has 52 LEDs not 30. But to each his own. I have a ai vega and love it. IMO I think ai has better controlling ability with the new controller and you don't need a computer to change you settings


There are two versions of the "Hydra" one of which is new.

The original hydra had only 20 LEDs.

The new Hydra 52 comes with 52 but it just got released at MACNA or shortly after which as we all know was only a few weeks ago.

There are two versions of the "Hydra" one of which is new.

The original hydra had only 20 LEDs.

The new Hydra 52 comes with 52 but it just got released at MACNA or shortly after which as we all know was only a few weeks ago.

I know 2 different ones. You always hear from the owners how one is better then the other but in all honestly they are all great fixtures to me. I also have a giesemann infinity on my other tank with the MH and T5 and love that fixture as well.
I know 2 different ones. You always hear from the owners how one is better then the other but in all honestly they are all great fixtures to me. I also have a giesemann infinity on my other tank with the MH and T5 and love that fixture as well.

We are discussing the Hydra, and you tried to correct my post about the LED info as if it is wrong when it is indeed correct information.