Alk monitoring coming soon maybe ?

Unfortunately it's not going to be like having a salinity's more like setting up an Apex to do automatic water changes.

At this point the only thing I see it doing is making sure regular testing happens, even when traveling, and being able to auto log it.

The reason I feel that way is it won't meaningfully allow for programing fail safes, or even truing up dosing to maintain a number....unless you set it up to test every 20 or 30min or so and burn through lots and lots of reagent and calibration fluid.

That said, if it were like a probe it would warrant being giddy ;)
Unfortunately it's not going to be like having a salinity's more like setting up an Apex to do automatic water changes.

At this point the only thing I see it doing is making sure regular testing happens, even when traveling, and being able to auto log it.

The reason I feel that way is it won't meaningfully allow for programing fail safes, or even truing up dosing to maintain a number....unless you set it up to test every 20 or 30min or so and burn through lots and lots of reagent and calibration fluid.

That said, if it were like a probe it would warrant being giddy ;)

I didnt see where it said that it uses reagents i must of missed something. I thought it was doing monitoring like a probe but without a pribe simehow lol. I did read that it was able to be programed not easily but can to adust dosing accordingly . Well if he gets it to work somewhat im sure somebody can take it and modify and improve on it and eventually we will have something worth using. Hey a man can dream right lol
There is no probe to measure the Alk, just a programming code so how it know exactly the Alk in the tank. It's impossible.
If you could set the device to test daily or 3 times a day it would be great.

How about if you are having a a problem with your tank and you want test results at different times like lights on, lights off, middle of the night, or right after you water change.

If it would automate the process of alk test, make it easy, and is reliable a lot of us would be up for that.
Pretty cool imo like i said he figured out how to do it and eventually someone maybe him even will figure out a easier way or better way to do it just because of his prototype