ALlow me to introduce myself


New member
Hello folk!

I have been posting here for a short while, but I thought I should properly introduce myself to my fellow Members. I live in the South Suburbs (Park Forest to be precise) and although I have had experience with fish tanks in the past (I even worked at the famous Animal Kingdom pet shop in the late 80s – early 90s in the fish department) I had only little experience with Saltwater fish. I did have a ten gallon “Long” that I set up as marine with a couple damsel fish which did well for about a year until I moved back in the early 90s. I am a very new reefer, so new I don’t even have a reef yet! Just started out with a 5.5 gallon which I was motivated to set up after viewing several other threads (here and elsewhere) about adding a fuge to these pico tanks. After much reading I finally converted a 5.5 AGA and as of today it has been up and running for one week. So far so good! I have learned a lot by reading your posts here, and members have been so generous with their advice and offers to help, including free frags! I so glad I found this group and I have to stay for some time! Below I have attached a picture of what my tanks looks like so as you can see, I have a lot of catching up to do!
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Very nice and welcome to ChiReefs!!!

Is that the sun glaring in on the rocks in the picture? If so be careful with that as it can cause algae to grow in your tank very quickly.

Other than that nice start and can't wait to c updated pix along the way.
Welcome :D, im sure u will get allot of help here. The only thing i can input on the nanos ( from past setups) is a sump is a must!
Very nice and welcome to ChiReefs!!!

Is that the sun glaring in on the rocks in the picture? If so be careful with that as it can cause algae to grow in your tank very quickly.

Other than that nice start and can't wait to c updated pix along the way.

No sun, just room lights. I made sure to place it in a place out of direct sunlight. You see, I am learning from being here!
Welcome :D, im sure u will get allot of help here. The only thing i can input on the nanos ( from past setups) is a sump is a must!

A sump huh? Not sure if I am ready for that step just yet. I did build a fuge into the tank which will have some extra living rock and eventually some Cheato Algae to help keep things cleaner. I hoping this will offset some of my "mistakes" I'm bound to make.
For sure! I didn't see what light you're planning on using? Sounds like a DIY LED build.

Your right about that. Picked up some of those Chinese GU10 3W LED lights on E-Pay (five white and two blue). My intention is to convert a fluorescent desk lamp into a DIY light. Looks to be just the right length to fit over the 5.5 gallon tank. Plan to start on it tonight. I'll post some pictures if this works out (or delete them if it doesn't).
You are gonna want more blue and less white than that. I can help you out with it on Friday if you have all the supplies. I can bring you a couple Blue chips too. Chances are you are also going to want more than 3w of light. If you can get a driver I actually have a heat sink from The Reefer that he would probably sell you cheap.
You are gonna want more blue and less white than that. I can help you out with it on Friday if you have all the supplies. I can bring you a couple Blue chips too. Chances are you are also going to want more than 3w of light. If you can get a driver I actually have a heat sink from The Reefer that he would probably sell you cheap.

I think you are thinking of different lights than what I am using. I am basing my light fixture on this post :
Ah I see what you are saying. Still, you are going to want to do like 2 white and 5 blue instead of the other way around. At least thats the color I like, I'm not a fan of really white tanks.

I'll probably experiment around until I get a match I like. I may even customize some lights by changing out LEDs to get a better mix. All part of the fun...:chuncky: