another crazy thing about nudis

never would have thought that the portugese man'o'war has a natural enemy as the peaceful nudibranch, freaking love nature! The blue angel!
the blue angel might be tthe chuck norrris of the invert world. "I'm feeling a hunger pang. Perhaps I'll go suckle at that man o war." like a boss. . .
Heh, such an awesome creature!!!!! I am a bit confused as to why they switched nudis when demonstrating the fact that they absorb the defense mechanisms of their food, but no worries, nudis rock! Now to just figure out how to maintain a supply of their food.....

WTB Portuguese man'o'war?
time to build that pelagic tank I guess. 3x3000x3 sound good? Just need to find a good mining company. . .
Lol, yeah it did! The biggest problem with nudis, beyond their affinity for powerheads and overflows, is reliably sourcing their food...