Another noob


New member
Hi everyone,

To start off I have a 125 fowlr for about 2.5 years now. Looking to go to the next step and try out reef w a 55 I have laying around. Been trolling around the site just to get a few pointers before I ask questions that could be answer w an easy search. My main question is led lighting since it seems that it is very popular at the moment. My search has lead me to these lights that would be in my price range .....

Any input would be great.

Current stock:
Queen angel
Emperor angel
Hawaiian trigger
Sailfin tang
Orange shoulder tang
1 maroon clown
2 Clarki clowns
2 black clowns
2 tomato clowns
welcome to the reef. I might suggest looking at these lights as an alternative to random e-bay "aquarium" lights: There is a lot to be said about a local person who stands behind their product and Jimmy is the man. They're also the least expensive full spectrum solution I could find and my corals are thanking me every day with amazing growth. Also, on the fish list, you might want to look into keeping all of those clowns together. Something about your amount and mixture makes me think there will be problems, but I am no compatibility expert (tomatoes are notoriously aggressive). Looking forward to seeing your tank come together and we would love to see some snaps of your FOWLR!
welcome to the reef. I might suggest looking at these lights as an alternative to random e-bay "aquarium" lights: There is a lot to be said about a local person who stands behind their product and Jimmy is the man. They're also the least expensive full spectrum solution I could find and my corals are thanking me every day with amazing growth. Also, on the fish list, you might want to look into keeping all of those clowns together. Something about your amount and mixture makes me think there will be problems, but I am no compatibility expert (tomatoes are notoriously aggressive). Looking forward to seeing your tank come together and we would love to see some snaps of your FOWLR!

I love mine and happy.. Here is a picture just to show my smile today
