Anthias and pistol shrimp best friends


New member
We have a pistol shrimp who has made his home in one corner of our tank and has his little place under our blast rock. Recently we noticed our male lyretail anthias hanging out in the pistol shrimps spot with the pistol! The anthias will even stick his head in the little cave the pistol made. The pistol doesn't hurt the anthias. Has anyone ever seen this? I'll have pic of them uploaded later


yea cubbies (the hubby) and I have been trying to figure out what is going on. One of the female lyretail will also hang out there once in awhile but the male is there constantly.
Yea I gotta say they must be definetely forming a bond or have already. The Anthias will come out swim around for a bit and go back in with the shrimp. Neither one harms each other and it's almost as if they are looking out for each other.
How long did it take you guys to figure out where your Anthias was disappearing to?

He's not really disappearing. If you look at the pic the Rock is laying on the overflow so you can see everything that is going on. He just chills in there I tell ya! I'm looking at him right now!! WTH????