Any try the jeabo gyre?

There are a few videos on the Reef Central thread on the topic. Unfortunately most of what you're hearing right now is just speculation and BS patent talk from armchair attorneys. I would imagine it is nearly identical to the Maxspect product with the original propellors. The controller isn't as robust as Maxspext's but at the same time most of the functions on the Maxspect Controller aren't really useful in my opinion.
The Maxspect controller is very annoying. I don't really mess with mine because I kinda hate it.

Curious to see the Jaebos.
The Maxspect controller is very annoying. I don't really mess with mine because I kinda hate it.

Curious to see the Jaebos.

I couldn't agree more, and to get ANY functional control with APEX requires another few pieces (or in my case 4) additional pieces of equipment to wrangle and manage in my already over wired cabinet/stand.

Why four ice cap controllers you ask?

Because I run two 150's in alternate gyre mode and this requires one APEX interface per direction, per controller...

Good grief!

Maxspect needs to step up with Gyre controller advancement if they want to maintain relevance.
I want to try it, but I'll wait to hear more thoughts and opinions from people who had purchased it. It does seem that there are a couple of places that are carrying them.