Anybody know where to get a scoly for less then $30


Well-known member
Saw one at a friends house and really took a liking to them. Let me knw if u see one for cheap.. Thnks
Darn :(( saw the price tag on one that i like.. But its the same price as my warty frogfish ($100)
That's a decent price for a scoly with good colors. They are so expensive because they are coming out of Australia and reproduce sexually only.
Darn i guess i gotta save up.. Thank god its my bday next month.. I could ask for it as a gift from the boss lol ;)
The cheapest I've seen them is $60 for an OK looking one. If you ever get down south talk to Aquapros. They usually have some for a very descent price. Or you can always talk to MCF to see if they can cut you some slack on a small one.
The cheapest I've seen them is $60 for an OK looking one. If you ever get down south talk to Aquapros. They usually have some for a very descent price. Or you can always talk to MCF to see if they can cut you some slack on a small one.
thnks bro.. will have to plan a trip..
There is a good chance that you are not going to find a scoly for close to that price, especially in the near future. Due to the current and past weather in Australia damaging their reefs, scolys and acans are going to be in very short supply for the time being.
There is a good chance that you are not going to find a scoly for close to that price, especially in the near future. Due to the current and past weather in Australia damaging their reefs, scolys and acans are going to be in very short supply for the time being.

Oh really... :(
There is a good chance that you are not going to find a scoly for close to that price, especially in the near future. Due to the current and past weather in Australia damaging their reefs, scolys and acans are going to be in very short supply for the time being.

Yup, exactly. Also the main collection areas for Acans have recently been protected with stiff quotas on how much can be taken out.