Anyone drill, build and install overflows


New member
I have a brand new 120 and would like to find someone who can build a quiet overflow box and drill/install into my tank.

Does anyone do this in the chicago area?
Im also looking for someone to drill a tank for me! Also, considering doing it myself with the glassholes.Com kit..
If i was going to get a tank drilled for myself there would be no other option id consider other than the reef synergy overflow and bean animal style piping

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I did my own with the 700 gph glass hole kit. Dual half inch return. The overflow is noisy only until it develops a slime layer, its very easy and it comes with free candy!
Im also looking for someone to drill a tank for me! Also, considering doing it myself with the glassholes.Com kit..

I actually bought one of these kits for my 75 gallon, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be just go very slow and use a lot of water.