Anyone feeding their corals?

Jason R

New member
I currently have:

  • 1 Acan frag - Seems to be shrinking off of skeleton
  • 1 Bubble Coral frag - Decent polyp extension
  • 1 Montipora frag - Can't tell for sure since it is a small frag
  • 2 Zoa Colonies - Look great with good polyp extension
  • 1 Goniopora - Not extending polyps
  • 1 Sarchophyton coral - Has been extending tentacles. A couple chunks in the middle sloughed off

I have a 100 Gallon tank with an eShopps R-200 refugium

My water parameters
Calcium: 380ppm
Alkalinity: 8.1
Magnesium: 1400
Salinity: 1.025
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
PHO4: 0

I am wondering if I need to feed them coral food or if that is just marketing BS from coral food sellers. Currently I am not feeding them.

I did add a Bio-Pellet reactor in December. I started with a tiny dose of pellets for a month and recently increased it a little. I am at 1/2 cup of pellets. I am wondering if the "recommended pellet dose" for a 100 gallon tank only applies if it is heavily stocked. I am suspecting that I should only be running 1/4 cup of pellets as that is the only thing that has changed.

I would continue to use half of the recommend dosage until the system stablizes.... You water might be too clean and Bio-Pellets are know to wipe out LPS pretty quickly.... You can feed if you like I normally just feed once a month or every other day for my Gorniporas..
I feed all my corals. I mix rods original with azox, vit c and sw from the tank. I squirt a little in and once i see massive pe i spot feed everything. Corals get fed every other and fish everyday
i pump 2 squirts of azoox into my tank ever two or three days. I also give anything with a mout a mysis or two every few days. I have read that acans really do need feeding (trying to locate that article).
I mix up some Azox, Rod's, and cyclopeeze with tank water and target feed everything. Takes care of feeding my fish too.
i feed prime reef flakes, pellets, frozen mysis and saltwater feast stuff. my lps are always grabing it. i rarely target feed, nut know that people who do have good growth. Especially with acans.
what about stocking refugiums with pods. does this work to naturaly feed fish and coral, or why are they sold? is it just the old sea monkey gag