Anyone interested on a group by on Crystal Sea Reef Salt


Well-known member
Just want to see if anyone is interested in doing a group by on crystal sea reef salt? I sent an pm to one of our sponsors to see what the price would be on the salt.. Lmk if ur interested.. Want to try to get the price similar to the group by from the last Christmas party group by..

I know it's a drive for you but Dave at AP has the boxes at a very reasonable price. Pretty close to the $25 I believe we paid for the GB. Give him a shout and I'm pretty sure he'll treat you good if you make the drive out his way.
I can drive the salt north jeff to cut your drive....ap is really close to where i work

thanks ryan.. imma stick to totalpetsupply since they are close to me. Jeff is about 10-15 from my house lol

I know it's a drive for you but Dave at AP has the boxes at a very reasonable price. Pretty close to the $25 I believe we paid for the GB. Give him a shout and I'm pretty sure he'll treat you good if you make the drive out his way.

will do geno and thanks... i may just go to AP for some corals and fish..