Anyone locally done a faux sand bed ???


New member
Starting out the planning stage of the new setup and was doing a little research on faux sand beds and was wondering if anyone locally has done one and what they thought?

Basically its just a clear epoxy that you mix sand in, and then you sprinkle sand on top of it so it's all glued down. It's basically a way to go bare bottom but look like there's sand in the tank. The only issue is that it will eventually get coralline on it, so I don't know if I'll like it over time. I wouldn't mind a sand bed again, but am planning on putting a ton of flow in the new tank and not sure if I'll be able to keep the sand in the corners. Maybe do a faux bed on the edges and then regular sand bed in the rest of the tank....

Thoughts ???
My friend Brad has a 400 Gallon Pen tank, he did an entire faux bed in it, took some time, but he said he never has to worry bout junk getting trapped.
For the coralline problem, I was thinking of skipping the sand sprinkle top coat. That way, the surface of the bed should clean up a little easier? I'm thinking of doing it this coming weekend, I will let you know my results.
I've done this on my 110 build in progress with envirotex lite and black tahitian moon sand. Looks amazing.
Another decent option is to have an urchin or asterina stars in the tank to keep the faux sand bed clean.

Your idea about sand in the middle is pretty interesting, but then you'd have some corraline some not, which long term would look odd.
Doug, I cannot wait to see your new setup...):

That makes two of us. I just cant wait to have the setup in my living room where I can actually enjoy it. I've always had the tanks in a spare room and I never really enjoyed them. Kinda the opposite of what I want to do in the hobby. This time it'll be in my living room so I can actually enjoy it while sitting on the couch or watching some TV.
I've done this on my 110 build in progress with envirotex lite and black tahitian moon sand. Looks amazing.

That's what I was thinking (same brand, etc...) except I was going to clean my old sand and use it in the epoxy.... Between that and then having to re-do all my rock because of stupid aiptasia this is going to take awhile. LOL

I will now have a coral QT tank as well to watch the corals coming in instead of just a really aggressive dip. This way if I see any hitchhikers they should show themselves in the QT tank prior to making it into the main tank.
that sounds so bad ***. my 40b frag tank is bb and im not liking it. it gets build up im guessing i need more flow and my metal halide shines through to the floor too.