Anyone see the jellyfish art booth at the expo?


Premium member
Here's a little more info with links to even more info.

Pretty cool looking, just don't knnow how sustainable they are long term.

Ive seen stufflike this for awhile now always wanted one but i thought they like colder temps wgich he don't mention
My boss bought one of the Kickstarter tanks for the office. I'll do a tank thread when we get it. We'll see how long they last!

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So did I. He also makes water quality seem easier than I've read about.

Yea i mean the tanks them selves r nice and have the right flow and what not but idk about them being ok with heat and crap water but at 250$ with 3 jellies it honestly might be worth a try
Yea i mean the tanks them selves r nice and have the right flow and what not but idk about them being ok with heat and crap water but at 250$ with 3 jellies it honestly might be worth a try

I was thinking the same, I just don't need antoher high maintenance tank to keep up with.

Anyone have jellies??? There's a part of me that's interested in reaching out to them to buy one to offer as a future CR giveaway. I just don't want to offer something that the community knows so little about and may be a huge failure.
I was looking into getting one as well. But like you guys have said just so high maintenance

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Beyondthereef had one on display aswell....a sign said they offer that and the sea horse tanks in store. When i went in. It wasnt offered