apex question


Hi all, got an apex and wanted to know if anyone could help me. I have cobalt neotherm heater and I would like to set it up so the noetherm is driving with the apex as a fail safe in case things go wrong, how would I do this If say I wanted my tank to remain at 78 degrees. The other thing I want to do it setup a heater that only comes on as a back if the tank drops to 75 degrees. Any help would be appreciated- thanks
You don't want that big of a swing in my opinon here is my apex

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I install two heaters. I set each one to be able to keep the tank at temp i want, usually 78. Once I’ve got both working and set, then i set Apex as backup to ensure no overheating.
I agree with the feedback you have received.

I’ll add that I trust the Apex temp way more than a heater’s builtin temp sensor.

I’m using 2 Finnex Ti heaters that require external control, but you could just turn up the setting on the cobalts to say 80. Not to high to hurt anything but higher than the Apex settings...essentially handing on/off to the Apex

Then create 2 outlets, one is set 1degree lower and has an alarm to notify me. Only time it ever comes on is when the primary heater fails...or maybe when it’s below single digits outside for a prolonged time and my basement gets cold (sump is in basement).


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Thank you for the feedback folks- my logic in in using the heaters thermostat is because I was watching some BRS content and they said they would trust the neotherm thermostat more than the apex -can anyone comment on that ?
Thank you for the feedback folks- my logic in in using the heaters thermostat is because I was watching some BRS content and they said they would trust the neotherm thermostat more than the apex -can anyone comment on that ?

I can only share that I have been running my pair of heaters off the Apex Temp probe for ~5years with no issues.