

Active member
I was at work looking for ideas to track parameters and maintenance and such other than pen and paper and came across the app aquarimate. Curious if anyone has it and what you think about it. Spent a lot of time reading about it and it looks pretty solid. You can keep track of parameters, maintenance, livestock and other things. You can also set alerts to remind you about maintenance such as light bulb changes. You can track growth of coral and fish and see how your tank progresses. There's even a gallery for your tank pics. You can keep an expense list to show how much money you have put into your tank (not sure id want my wife to see that) you can keep track of what equipment you have. Its cross compatible with iphone and android in case you switch phones and its saved to a cloud. Like i said it looks good but before I throw $10 away to find out I'd like to know what you guys think
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I have yet to use all of the features of this app. The built in livestock list is a really neat feature. It will allow you to keep track of where you purchased and the price of the item you've purchased. This also creates an "Expense" list. Amazing how quickly this hobby adds up and how fast i decided to put a lock screen on my phone.. Don't want the wife to see that I've spent a lot of money!!
one of the things I like about it is that you can keep al your testing result right there, and it shows your the fluctuation from the last test as well as graphs
I use Aquaplanner and it sounds like it does everything Aquarimate does for 1/3 the cost. I track purchases, test results, etc. It tells me when I need to change carbon, water, GFO, etc.

I believe there is a free trial.
I use Aquaticlog. See my signature line. It does everything you listed and is free. The phone app isn't that robust, but it's easy to enter in test results, water changes, etc. I really like it. I need to update my page with death dates for all of my acros.