Aquarium maintenance services - so how does it work?

Hi - My 35g AIO has been up and running for almost 7 years now. The tank has gone through its ups and many downs. Its actually pretty decent right now with my occasional water changes and after I replaced my brs filters and killed off most algae a year ago using fluconzaole.

I am about to pick up the phone and call around to get some quotes for aquarium maintenance - I don't really want a regular service, but am interested in hiring someone to resolve a bunch of issues. My chiller pump died last year and I have yet to figure out how to connect a new pump and get the plumbing to work - though this led me to remove my hood and get new better lights. The two AI primes have turned out great - all my corals went from barely surviving to thriving - my 1 barely surviving RBTA recovered like magic and I think I now have 10 and they seem to be taking over the tank (anyone want to trade RBTA's for maintenance? I used to give these away). I've purposely understocked to try and keep things simple.

I assume I can hire someone to come out and do a one time refresh, point out my water parameters are ridiculous and maybe even explain how to use the dosers I bought 5 years ago, identify other upcoming disasters like the seven year old sand bed, explain how to actually set my skimmer to do something useful, etc, but would love to hear from any of you that actually use a service or ideally have done a one time intervention.

I'm in the city so will start with Tank It Easy since they aren't too far away. Any insights greatly appreciated. This hobby is filled with people who can do everything themselves - carpenter skills to build a stand, chemistry skills to measure and dose, electrician skills to wire their own LED lights, etc. - I feel a bit embarrassed to seek help.
I think all of these things you are asking about can easily be asked here And you will receive plenty good answers and really be able to do them yourself.this will save you money and give you the knowledge for future
Check out Aquatic World they are on Belmont between Hoyne & Damien
Also Old town Aquarium in their new location, I believe they offer maintenance service.
Yeah I agree with @((FORDTECH)) there is plenty of knowledge in this Forum.
When I transitioned from Freshwater to Saltwater, I did a good amount of reading & research. I started by watching the BRS TV, You Tube and asking on the forums. Any problems that you will encounter in this hobby, a ton of other Reefers have been through it as well and can help you out. But it’s up to you on how involved you want to be with your tank maintenance.