Aquarium Overload - Onyx Clown Pair Giveaway!!


Premium member
View attachment 5918
I am very pleased to announce a giveaway of a pair of Tom's great Onyx clowns from [MENTION=2951]AquariumOverload[/MENTION], CR's newest sponsor!

This is the pair that are set aside for the giveaway, but the winner has the choice of visiting Tom and picking out a pair they'd prefer of the 100+ he has on hand!!!

View attachment 5916

View attachment 5917

In order to qualify for this giveaway:

1. Have a min of 20 meaningful posts
2. Start a thread in the "Member's Reef tank" forum or update your existing thread between now and the drawing date OR start a new informative thread on anything Reef related (Examples include; Educational/Informative thread, LFS review, Product review, Fish or coral profile)
3. Post on this thread once you have 1 and 2 checked off.

Winner will be announced on November 21st!
Good luck everyone!

Pickup and delivery of the clowns will be worked out between Tom and the winner. Local pickup (and personal choice of clown pair) can be done in Cortland, Il 60112. Other arrangements will be to meet at one of the several LFS or another spot within an hours drive from Cortland.
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Beautiful fish! Good luck to those that enter and thanks [MENTION=2951]AquariumOverload[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION] for hosting this!

Edit: I change my mind, I would like to enter. 1 and 2 done :)
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Thank you Tom for the generous donation. I am in. If I win I will PIF the female to a future giveaway as I only need a male.
Thanks a bunch Josh and Aquarium overload, The pair look beautiful! Would love to have them. But proly should fight the greed :)
Done! Hope I win these. My sisters tank spiked and all her things died. I'm hoping I can give her mine and get these 2 for myself. Good Luck!