Aqueon 33 gallon long vs SR Aquaristik 33 gallon long rimless


New member
Hi everyone,

Currently have a 20 gallon long and have been looking at other long tanks to upgrade into. Always loved how the low and long tanks look and have been flip flopping between the two tanks in the title. The aqueon is longer and less expensive but has that hideous black trim, while the SR Aquaristik is a little shorter but is rimless.

Aqueon 33 gallon long dimensions:
48x12 3/4x12 7/8

Sr Aquaristik 33 gallon long dimenssions:

I currently have a pair of long fin clowns, a royal gramma, and a helfrichi firefish. I want to get a flasher wrasse of some sort and know that they need room to swim about. Would a 40 inch or 48 inch tank be long enough?
The wrasse would probably be better in the 48" tank. According to Live Aquaria min. tank size should be a 55G for that wrasse.
As for the tanks, I've always liked the look of a rimless.
in addition to length you should consider a deep tank. when scared a wrasse will dart up in the water column.
Also, you will need a lid because while darting up they will come out of the tank.
in addition to length you should consider a deep tank. when scared a wrasse will dart up in the water column.
Also, you will need a lid because while darting up they will come out of the tank.

Regarding the lid, I plan on making one using the mesh screen kits from home depot. Since they are known jumpers. So is a deeper tank necessary? I really would like to try to keep the tank shallower if at all possible. I just like the aesthetics of a low long tank. Since it gives off the illusion that it's larger than it really is.