Are my polyps dieing or is it just a different kind of polyp

The more colorful ones that u have are zoanthids and the other ones that's are scattered in there are a type of palythoa
I agree with the post above. It looks like you have a rock with Radioactive Dragon Eyes (green) and Whammin Watermelon zoanthids (red) and some silver-ish palythoas.

Nothing is dying but rather, eveything looks healthy :)
They are just different. The grey looking ones are the nuisance ones though. If you could remove them some way you would probably save yourself some problems down the road. If you don't feel like going through the hassle just isolate that rock. They spread like crazy and they are usually not the nicest paly out there. Just advice for you.
Yeah, i have some of those paly's trying to wiggle their way thru a rock of my zoas. Every so often I take the rock out and scrape the paly's off the rock. They keep coming back...
Yeah, i have some of those paly's trying to wiggle their way thru a rock of my zoas. Every so often I take the rock out and scrape the paly's off the rock. They keep coming back...

what i do too :)
but remember some of the palys are venomous and do give irritations if exposed to the juices that comeout while scrubbing .