Are these king midas or not ??

The less than stellar pic and the whiter lighting give a washed out feel. If you have them, compare yours under actinics to pictures online. That's at least a place to start.

This is them under actinic lighting
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There's no way that those are the same as the CL listing. The skirts have no color to them under actinics. Are you sure there wasn't a mistake in bagging? Those aren't the same as the listing at all.
IMHO two thoughts:

1. Caveat Emptor: Latin for do your research and trust no one (unless it's $3/pp, then just buy the chit).

2. You could put the same frag in 10 different tanks and take a picture with same camera of each and they could vary as much as the photos listed in this thread so far (maybe they lose their skirt color if strontium is low). Add 10 different cameras and a donkey's brown-eye in one pic can look like a diamond ring in another. How can any of these name game issues truly be resolved? After all, there is no AKC for zoas (there isn't, is there?) :)

this is my point:
Top water does have true midas...

As far as that picture those are not kind midas .so somewere there was a mixxup

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lol see .... john I didn't post this trying to say I was riped or angry.. I just wanted to know what I had :)
I know King Midas always has had a Purple Rim where the skirts meets and yellow center, they are always confused by LA Laker Zoas- even has them up if you need a current ID. With all the morphs that go on with Zoas it's hard to tell whats what now and days
Personally, with znp's I don't care what the name is that goes along with them, if they look cool, I buy them.

It is always nice to know what they're called though, but that makes very little difference to me when buying.
King Midas should be yellow center with a yellow skirt, so they should not be confused with LA Lakers since those are more green.


King Midas should be yellow center with a yellow skirt, so they should not be confused with LA Lakers since those are more green.



+1 lakers are far different from king Midas zoas

As far as the yellow skirt it turns more of a golden brown under lower light condition.