August 2015: Buckeyehydro Gift Certificate Giveaway!


Premium member
I'm proud to announce a $50 Gift Certificate giveaway from ChicagoReefs to [MENTION=1014]Buckeye Hydro[/MENTION]! It's simple, meet the criteria below and post in this thread.

View attachment 12206

In order to qualify for this giveaway:

1. Have a min of 20 meaningful posts
2. Start a thread in the "Member's Reef tank" forum or update your existing thread between now and the drawing date OR start a new informative thread on anything Reef related (Examples include; Educational/Informative thread, LFS review, Product review, Fish or coral profile)
3. Post on this thread once you have 1 and 2 checked off.

Winner will be announced on Sept 3rd!
Good luck everyone!