Back from Dominican Republic


Active member
I just got back from a trip to the Dominican Republic. I snorkeled off a bay in the town of Sosua. We were in 27 feet of water and you could see the bottom just as if the depth was 2 feet.

Someone had stolen the coral I.D. chart from the boat but what I think I saw were staghorn acropora, huge mounds of porities, montipora cap and stylopora. The amount of coral wasn't great and due to the decline, the locals had created concrete homes, starting back in 2008, for the fish since the coral hiding spots have reduced so much.

The fish were amazing! We unpeeled bananas and were swarmed by fish.

I'm not that great at identifying fish but there were tons of blue tangs and these other fish that reminded me of fresh water convicts. I also saw trumpet fish, puffers, parrot fish and many small fish that were too far away, I couldn't dive very deep.

Unfortunately, we forgot the waterproof camera back in the hotel room which was about 45 minutes away.

Anyway, it was a great experience!
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