Back In The Game


After getting rid of my cube maybe two years ago I started getting the itch to get back into things a few months ago. So I picked up an IM 10 from Markemark. Equipment on the tank is as follows:

-Media basket running floss, gfo, and chemi-pure
-Ghost protein Skimmer
-JBJ ATO W/ 5 gal resivoir
-Apex, but not totally functional yet. really only use when I am doing a water change
-Nano Maxspect razor

Stocking is mainly just LPS & zoas. Got a bunch of awesome stuff coming in from Kush Corals including 3 more sweet Rock Nems. Fish are a Picasso clown, midas blenny, and a fire fish from divers den. I know its a lot. Will be setting up another tank in the near future. Now for what you all came to see.....the pics

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Sorry for the pic quality, only have an Iphone. Used a gel filter and actually found a yellow gel filter made the pics turn out much better than the red filter. These were taken without playing with my lights at all and I run heavy on the blues for sure

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Dont know why my second pic is rotated 90 degrees
Added a few zoas, got them from aquarium depot....will never buy from them again. Nothing looks anything like it did online (if they were even still alive) Very disapointed. Will most likely be yanking a few frags out. Pardon the dirty tank, getting cleaned tonight!

Already in the market for a new tank. Thinking about the IM 25 lagoon tank, will most likely buy it next week to make room for the two sweet clowns I got from Chris AKA Superfish (what a great guy!)

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No I wanted to but couldn't find the time, bought enough for free shipping. Someday soon I will, Bobby seems like a great guy
Oh okay. Well when you come down you gotta let me know. I'm about 10 minutes away from the store

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