Back in the hobby!

Hi all,

Been around 15 years since leaving the hobby due to college and what not. Glad to say that the reefing bug has bit me once again. Recently set-up a 40 breeder..only about a month old or so. Here's a full-tank shot!View attachment 13438

Glad I found this forum, and looking forward to many more years of reefing.


welcome to CR Dan, glad to have you back after such a long break. Curious to see how much you think has changed since you got out?
welcome to CR Dan, glad to have you back after such a long break. Curious to see how much you think has changed since you got out?

Thanks jrpark! A few things I recall from the hobby:

1. Deep sand beds were the latest craze. I remember there was some cheap sand available at some home depots and people would drive hundreds of miles to get the right sand with a certain SKU#
2. Clownfish! So many types now. I only remember the ocellaris and true percs. Now there are so many different varieties that I'm not sure I like them? The platinum style clowns look albino to me..
3. Zooanthids. What is up with all the different varieties with special names and what not. I think its just a way to hike up the prices!
4. Lighting has really moved onto LED. I was running 2x250 watt Iwasaki 6500k bulbs with 4x110 VHO actinics over a 90 reef. I believe LED's were fairly new to the game at this point.
5. Equipment in general has vastly improved. The only powerheads in the game back then were maxijets from what i remember!

For those have been in the hobby for a long time, any of this ring a bell?

Clownfish, yeah!!! There are too many types now. But the prices are dropping repidly. Good for hobbyists.!
Equipments, I think skimmer changed a lot too!...but by using all these different types now. I still love my 8 years old Red Sea Berlin the most...
Well it's about time you got back in. Welcome to the site. Feel free to ask away if anything. Some good knowledge here