Back in the tank game, 24 JBJ AIO


New member
Hi guys and gals,

I’m just getting back into the hobby after life settled down a little. Picked up a used AIO and I’m settling into the Nano tank groove.

Tunze 9001 skimmer
Kessil 160WE with controller
Intank media basket with the usual (floss, purigen, chemipure elite)

2 tank raised percs
1 Midas Blenny

And a handful of frags as I start to get this reef going. Looking to do a mixed reef with a few scattered SPS pieces. Hope you guys enjoy and feel free to provide feed back.


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Well welcome back you cant stay away from this hobby to long..tanks looking good nice scape and nice open layout you can never go wrong with jbj aio tanks ..cant wait to see how this progression

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Well welcome back you cant stay away from this hobby to long..tanks looking good nice scape and nice open layout you can never go wrong with jbj aio tanks ..cant wait to see how this progression

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Thanks. I wanted to leave plenty of room up front on the sand and room to grow up top as well. Took about a week to figure out the mp10 placement and program to get the right flow. Looks like things are settling in pretty well.

I’m doing a weekly 5 gallon WC to keep everything in check and I’m not having to dose anything yet.

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I have the same tank and I'm loving it! They're simple, but there's so much you can play around with and change. Can't wait to see you grow it out!

- Ben
Added a smart micro ATO today and a flame back angel. He’s been in there about 6 hours and I haven’t seen him nip a coral. Here’s to hoping.

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