Have you ever had a bare bottom?
What's dsbI hate BB, the look pushes me away. I use to have BB tanks for FW. No more!
If you run a sump, IMO do a DSB or use sand in there.
Stay away from crushed coral
What's dsb
Naw I'm new to salt I use real fine sand but man is it a head ache, I'm giving my buddy this tank and I'm getting this other one made and not sure what to use on bottom
Ok guys next thing then, what substrate is best than the sand is to cloudy, and would you guys suggest a bare bottom in my tank that has a dogface puffer that destroys everything and a eel that shreds everything, would bare bottom. Be better in that tank.
I prefer a sand bed...but it's best to keep it shallow(1-2inches), to keep it easily maintained. Deeper sand beds can cause problems if not taken care of correctly. Bare bottoms look unrealistic and unnatural, and are primarily beneficial in sps dominated tanks.
a fish tank is totally unnatural, but i hear what your sayin. really it depends on if your doing a eutrophic or oligotrophic
high nutrient zone = eutrophic good for softies lps
low nutrient zone = oligotrophic good for sps and most nems