Basket Starfish


New member
Looking for anyone that has had luck with keeping one of these. If you have had one or currently have one please share how difficult it was to keep? I have read conflicting testimonials about this animal. Some say that it will feed on Mysis and they are very easy to keep as long as they can spread out and not touch the glass. Others say the animal is a filter feeder and you need a NPS setup to keep with very low survival rate.
Are they FS anywhere?

I knew some people that kept them semi successfully in Indiana. They are filter feeders (these were the bright red feather stars) they dosed live phyto and such pretty regularly and had a massive fuge to produce pods etc (his chaeto ball was probably 10lbs) despite all that they rarely lived in his tank past a year or two.
Funny but even here I get both answers I got online. They are either filter feeders or they eat everything. I guess I will take a few days and seriously research. I was hoping to be really lazy and hear "ive had mine for years and I just do _____to keep it alive"
it may depend the specific type, these were red feather starfish and they def filter feed, they are the only ones i have indirect experience with