Battle: Yuma > Acan


Active member
Never thought of Yumas as 'aggressive', but this morning I found my big orange Yuma 'hugging' my Rainbow Tangerine Acan.

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I did double take and realized it was a coral battle!

Yuma 1 Acan 0

Relocated the Acan and crossing figers it doesn't lose anymore than 1head...

The Yuma has been anchored in the same spot for a long time, but grew and the "waves" from the power heads' tidal algorithm put them in contact...and the Yuma "reeled the Acan in"...hard to tell in the first pic, but the Yuma "taco'd the Acan".

Ultimately I put the Acan too close...I've been moving them around to get the right light for each one and an appealing "garden" pattern to look at....and just never thought the Yuma was the dangerous one.

Who would you worry about?
Flat "mushroom"
View attachment 3408

Or Space Invader Pectina with 6" sweepers?!?!?!? LOL
View attachment 3407