Bean Animal Overflow Plumbing


Premium member
Hello everone,

Has anyone had problems by using/having a horizontal pluming on a Bean animal overflow? I have heard that it’s a Big No because air might get trapped in the line, but I see the Bulk Reef Supply do it on a ton of their tank builds.

This is my set up I would have the a pvc pipe come down from the overflow box about 10 inches into a 90 degree elbow then a 8-10 inch horizontal run. Then that would run into another 90 degree elbow a parallel run of about 24 inches and into the Sump.
Has anyone had or is currently running a similar drain line? Have you noticed any problems or a Noisy drain?
No you will not with 90s, just need a gate valve to create the full siphon and the drain tube in your spa to go about an inch into the water line