Been a long time


how you all been? Now that my daughter is one I can find a little time to get back to the tank
After over a year of relying on apex to take care of my tank, which kept the fish alive but well corals guess I am starting over on sps. I have said screw the LEDs that I have had and went back to steady old school ways. New 10k mh bulbs come tomorrow to go along with the vho's that I just put on.
Anyone still running vho?
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Welcome back to having some time for the hobby. There was someone else just asking about VHO in the semi recent past, you may not be alone, but why not run what you have? It's still a decent sized market in new lighting for MH and T5.
Have tried radions, then sold them and went to ai sols. Now going to put my halides back on. I was always in the the hobby but had my tank running on auto pilot with apex and no additional tlc