New member
Well I am here to check in, I've been registered awhile now, lurking mostly. I am much more active on the Northwest Indiana club forums NWIMAC, but my buddy Ryan keeps posting cool links from here, so I wanted to share my time accordingly.
I've been reefing for 7 years now, had all kinds of tanks in that time. Currently setting up a 20 tall tank that's cycling. Got a Vortech MP10es, Finnex Titanium heater with controller, Coralife Aqualight Pro (for sale) looking to go LED. 20# Caribsea araganite and 25-30lbs BRS EcoRox.
Gonna stick with very certain fish and corals.
Dwarf Zebra Lion
3 Banjaii Cardinals
2 Clowns
starry blenny
I'm running an EShopps PSK-75 skimmer and a Marineland Magnum HOT filter for Seachem Seagel to polish water.
My corals wishlist will include
Aussie Duncans
Rare Zoa's for a garden
some Chalice's
Some Acans
Birdsnest or staghorns
I'll be topping off with a kalkwasser to maintain calcium, etc.
So that's it, I'm DD from Hobart, IN. See ya in the forums.
I've been reefing for 7 years now, had all kinds of tanks in that time. Currently setting up a 20 tall tank that's cycling. Got a Vortech MP10es, Finnex Titanium heater with controller, Coralife Aqualight Pro (for sale) looking to go LED. 20# Caribsea araganite and 25-30lbs BRS EcoRox.
Gonna stick with very certain fish and corals.
Dwarf Zebra Lion
3 Banjaii Cardinals
2 Clowns
starry blenny
I'm running an EShopps PSK-75 skimmer and a Marineland Magnum HOT filter for Seachem Seagel to polish water.
My corals wishlist will include
Aussie Duncans
Rare Zoa's for a garden
some Chalice's
Some Acans
Birdsnest or staghorns
I'll be topping off with a kalkwasser to maintain calcium, etc.
So that's it, I'm DD from Hobart, IN. See ya in the forums.