Been lurking, how's it going?


New member
Well I am here to check in, I've been registered awhile now, lurking mostly. I am much more active on the Northwest Indiana club forums NWIMAC, but my buddy Ryan keeps posting cool links from here, so I wanted to share my time accordingly.

I've been reefing for 7 years now, had all kinds of tanks in that time. Currently setting up a 20 tall tank that's cycling. Got a Vortech MP10es, Finnex Titanium heater with controller, Coralife Aqualight Pro (for sale) looking to go LED. 20# Caribsea araganite and 25-30lbs BRS EcoRox.

Gonna stick with very certain fish and corals.

Dwarf Zebra Lion
3 Banjaii Cardinals
2 Clowns
starry blenny

I'm running an EShopps PSK-75 skimmer and a Marineland Magnum HOT filter for Seachem Seagel to polish water.

My corals wishlist will include

Aussie Duncans
Rare Zoa's for a garden
some Chalice's
Some Acans
Birdsnest or staghorns

I'll be topping off with a kalkwasser to maintain calcium, etc.

So that's it, I'm DD from Hobart, IN. See ya in the forums.
Hey Doug!! :waves:

You made it! Welcome to the group. I love the rockwork.

Thanks, been taking it real slow to get the just right look! It's like lego's! Real glad I've been getting good feedback and the wife's happy so I'm happy! Can't wait to fill it with corals!
Some great guys here Doug. Glad ya came on bye! Scott and I are thinking of going to the Christmas party wanna join us?
Welcome Doug, you've got a great setup! The rock looks awesome! Again welcome to the community!
Thanks for the warm welcomes! Ryan (Cub21Rak) speaks highly of this forums and members, so I wanted to get more involved. I also love our site, but you Chicagoland guys know how to partay!

Ryan, I might be interested, gotta check with the boss lady first! I read the announcement, but is an exact date and time nailed down?
So looks fun to me! I think I've been to this store, not sure though! Definitely in for a carpool if we decide to go!