beginner SPS

I currently have a forest fire digi(that is more orange than red), red monti cap, purple stylo and a pink birds nest. all are small frags. they are all doing well in the tank an I want to find an easy teal color branching sps and a red branching sps coral and yellow branching sps that would be on the easier side to keep. thanks
teal is dime a dozen, those are everywhere, blue polyp digi is probably the easiest with a teal look, red branching would be forest fire or another red digi, unless you wanted an acro in which case did you want solid red or some red color? red planet or red mirabilis would do it there. yellow is more difficult, the only true yellow i know of is bennet tort and its not the easiest to keep its color, the other yellows tend to be porities, pavona or a lepto.
red planet is, it tolerates lots of lighting conditions, its just a relatively slow grower and likes clean water.
red planet is, it tolerates lots of lighting conditions, its just a relatively slow grower and likes clean water.

I got a red planet frag the size of a dime about eight months ago. It was green when I got it. It has since turned red, but hasn't really grown except for encrusting. At this point it looks more like an encrusting monti. My red digi on the other hand, has really taken off.
Caleb, if you're looking for simple and colorful SPS, I've got about a dozen different varieties from $10 and up. Shoot me a PM if you want to come check them, and my tank, out! :D
teal is dime a dozen, those are everywhere, blue polyp digi is probably the easiest with a teal look, red branching would be forest fire or another red digi, unless you wanted an acro in which case did you want solid red or some red color? red planet or red mirabilis would do it there. yellow is more difficult, the only true yellow i know of is bennet tort and its not the easiest to keep its color, the other yellows tend to be porities, pavona or a lepto.

Sorry to hijack, but I have a Shaun Bennet Yellow Tort and it is a tad more neon green then yellow. Do you have any suggestions on how to get the yellow? The piece grows really well in my tank and is getting big, just needs more yellow.