Beginning of tank crash?



Yesterday, I noticed some of my sun corals were dying/dead. I figure it's just because they are difficult to keep alive even though I have been feeding them everyday via dome or removing from tank.

I did a 10% water change this afternoon using saltwater from LFS, but I didn't really look closely at the corals. Just about an hour ago, I sat down to admire the corals and noticed that some of the heads/tips of my frogspawn and hammer are black. I also noticed some white/dead heads on my bam bam colony. Because this is first time I am looking at the tank, I don't know if this happened before or after I changed the water.

I just tested the salinity of just the LFS water and it is 1.027. The salinity of the water in my tank is 1.024. I am going to change the chemipure carbon tonight and see what happens.

Any other advice is appreciated.

Do u check your other params? Temp/Nitrate/phosphate/ alkalinity/calcium/magnesium/ammonia/nitrites should all be checked if tank crashing. Start by getting all parameters checked. How did u check salinity? How old is your tank?

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I live in northbrook, if you don't have testing supplies I can help you out if you bring me a cup of water.

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I'm with Nino...You need to check ammonia and nitrites ASAP to know if things are spiraling.

If either are present a bigger water change (~50%) and some Seachem Prime will settle things.

I've found big water changes can get you "chasing your tail", so either using some Seachem Stabilty, Frtizyme, or Dr Tims with it will keep the the nitrogen cycle kicking and keep you from having to keep changing a bunch of water to support your current bio-load.

And the carbon change can't hurt, but I'd probably not bother with swapping out the chemi-pure.

Good luck!
Do u check your other params? Temp/Nitrate/phosphate/ alkalinity/calcium/magnesium/ammonia/nitrites should all be checked if tank crashing. Start by getting all parameters checked. How did u check salinity? How old is your tank?

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Nitrite/Nitrate/Ammonia/PH are 0/3/0/8. I don't have tests for phosphate/alk/calcium. I checked salinity using a hydrometer. The tank was running for 6 months when I got it. I have have it for another 3 months.
If you need your water tested or stable SW for a water change, feel free to bring a sample and some buckets tomorrow! I'll be here. :)
Corals tell you something is wrong either pest or water parameters are off have someone check all of them for you could something like your alkalinity is to high or to low
Not sure if OT, but it could help the OP...

This article gets into a detailed approach to understanding and addressing "out of range" numbers.

Curious, when y'all find alkalinity and/or calcium is "off", what do you do?

Currently I find regular water changes have kept me from being off, so I would typically just do a "large" water change (25% to 50%) to get "fresh numbers". That said, my total volume is only 70g...
Some of the corals look better but bam bam still look bad. Thanks everyone for offering to test my water. I will get it tested today for sure. Here are some pics of the bam bam. The white spots are where I see dead heads. Hard to see from crappy pictures.



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Man u uncle is slackin he he. I would start makeing your own water imo cant trust lfs to change there ro filters and who knows what salt they use. Stability is key and i found easier to keep stability if use same salt every time if i change salt i have to change doseing cause every salt is different and levels become off . My doseing is directly related to what salt i use some need more alk some need less same with calcium and magnesium. So when u control it better with makeing your own water easier to keep stabile. And dont cjange anything fast my alk dropped to 5 not long ago had to bring it back up over the week because alk dropped calcium went through roof so had to do same slowly bring down. Corals will take the slow changes may lose color but usually pull through . If u change quick they may die least thats been my experiance over the yrs
My uncle actually told me many times I should get my own RODI and make my own SW =). I already pre-bought like 120G of saltwater from LFS so I figured I use it all before I get my own system. Probably will get the system now.

Man u uncle is slackin he he. I would start makeing your own water imo cant trust lfs to change there ro filters and who knows what salt they use. Stability is key and i found easier to keep stability if use same salt every time if i change salt i have to change doseing cause every salt is different and levels become off . My doseing is directly related to what salt i use some need more alk some need less same with calcium and magnesium. So when u control it better with makeing your own water easier to keep stabile. And dont cjange anything fast my alk dropped to 5 not long ago had to bring it back up over the week because alk dropped calcium went through roof so had to do same slowly bring down. Corals will take the slow changes may lose color but usually pull through . If u change quick they may die least thats been my experiance over the yrs
So I dipped the bam bams in hydrogen peroxide. I found two little guys, not sure what they are but maybe they are cause of them melting. Look like worms or something.


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False alarm those are bristle worms. Tank looks nice and healthy. Even the bams bams are coming back nicely.


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