Berghis Nudibranch


New member
Berghia Nudibranch

For those of you who are new to the hobby, or who just do not know about berghia nudibranch, I am here to tell you a little bit about them. Berghia nudibranch are the most natural way to cure your annoying aiptasia issue in your reef tank. Berghia ONLY eat the aiptasia in your tank and then disappear once all of the aiptasia is eaten away. They will in no way harm anything else in your valuable tanks! Berghia multiply like crazy and usually lay an egg ring each day and those eggs will hatch in a quick 10-14 days so that you will have even more berghia! Berghia are extremely difficult to find locally due to the fact that they are difficult to keep alive if you don't have lots of aiptasia for them to feed on. Luckily for the ChicagoReefs community, I have a fair amount of berghia already and more eggs are hatching daily. If you would like to get your hands on some of these berghia, head over to my thread in the trading forum, selling forum, or just shoot me a private message. Thanks, and I hope that you learned a bit today!
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