Best anemone for a Percula


I'm know this has been discussed, and most likely common sense but im new to anemones. Ok, just got 2 tiny 1-1 1/2" percula clowns. Well mother was a true perc and father a onyx. What would be the best nem for these lil fishes to be hosted by. Of course I "want" color but rather have the fish happy. I know it's a hit or miss or may take time for the clown to accept the nem. Just curious what the fine people here on CR had best experience with.
Excellent article regarding clownfish and their natural host anemones:

From the article:

"The anemones true Percula clownfish are normally associated with in the sea are the Sebae (Heteractis crispa), Ritteri (Heteractis magnifica), and Giant Carpet (Stichodactyla gigantic)."

From personal experience:

Percs may or may not ever be hosted by a BTA but they are definitely the easiest "hosting" anemone commonly found in the hobby. My Ocellaris pair is readily hosted by BTAs but I have several friends who have had Ocellaris clowns that would happy hang out in a patch of hair algae or a powerhead over a BTA.

People have "forced" pairings with anemones in the past by putting them in a small breeder box together but I generally recommend against it. As always, YMMV.
this definitely calls for more research, a rose or rainbow bta is what I have my eyes set on but...I want it to host my clowns even if I have to get a less colorful one. thanks for input!
this definitely calls for more research, a rose or rainbow bta is what I have my eyes set on but...I want it to host my clowns even if I have to get a less colorful one. thanks for input!

Any bubble tip anemone (rose, rainbow, lemon drop, green, sunburst, etc.) will have the same likelihood of hosting your clowns. They are all just different color morphs of E. quadricolor.
oh I know there the same type just different colors, just saying those are the ones that catch my eye. not really a fan of the carpet nems. I do got a mini maxi and soon have a few rock flowers but I don't think clowns host those correct? a buddy's has a host Duncan but it's not looking great anymore. I have a huge Duncan hope this doesn't happen to mine.
Maleves did a video...
He grabed a tube, placed the tube over the nem. Placed his clownfishes in from the top. And put tank water in the tube so current would drive the clowns down to the nem. Then the clowns found the nem.

They might not find the nem. But this tube method seems to work better than the light at night and all the other tricks

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yeah I've seen this, I will try this. even more so cause the clowns so tiny, they haven't even explored the tank yet
My perspective was you get a clownfish for your nem. Not the other way around. But if I was to give my clowns the most luxurious pad, it would be a a huge carpet anemone or Fiji toadstool coral. Tempted to do a specie tank.

If you already have an SPS tank, then the bubble tip probably agrees with your existing livestock.