Best way to get rid of green turf algae??


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I been battling green turf algae in my 5 gallon Spec for a few months now. It's not GHA or byopsis. It's matty turf algae that grows back over night. It's easy to scrape off the backwall, but harder to get off the rocks. What's the best way to get rid of them for good? I been doing 30 - 40% water change weekly. I am running Seachem Matrix Carbon and Phosguard and Purigen. I have a MAME skimmer. I had a trochus snail that didn't do anything and a few weeks later, died. Nitrate is 0. Phosphate not tested since if test is 0, it's because the algae is consuming it so there's no good way to actually measure phosphate.
What do you have in the tank currently? How often do you feed and what? Recently I had to deal with really tough algea. The only thing that worked for me was pulling the rock and spraying it in hydrogen peroxide, letting it sit for about 20 min and scrubbing off as much algea as possible, rinsing in salt water really good then put it back in the tank. I did half of my rock at a time. I don't have much livestock so I was willing to risk a cycle. I tested daily and fortunately I never saw a cycle. It cleaned the rock really good and now I'm just working on my water quality to prevent another bloom.
Only tging that eats it is tuxedi urchins trust me i know i have three urchins now lol
Do the tuxedos ever move your frags or put zoas or anything on them. I wouldn't mind getting some for my algae but I don't want them moving my stuff
Do the tuxedos ever move your frags or put zoas or anything on them. I wouldn't mind getting some for my algae but I don't want them moving my stuff

If tgey not glued down tgey will i glue everything with extra glue i hve sails 4 inches big there likr blulldozers. Again ive tried everything urchins r only thing thats eting it . So if u want it gine go buy sime glue and a urchin and wait its not a fast thing either but its working good luck
Do you happen to use reef crystals salt? I noticed I got the same kind of crap growing when I used it. I think it may have been a bad batch. After going back to my normal IO, everything went back to normal.