Better zoa paly growth with or without protein skimmer in 75?


New member
I just started running a protein skimmer wondering if growth will decrease with lower nitrates had really good growth before?ideas? I dose fuel ,calcium,8.4 buffer and magnesium also feed rods original. Should I increase feeding?
In my opinion, I find that to not be the truth. I find that since there are so many types of Zoas, that it's hard to say all like dirty water. I keep my water pristine and I'm having some grow insanely fast, while others go slow, and when they were in my nano, a very dirty tank, some of the now slow growers were fast and vice versa.
In my opinion, I find that to not be the truth. I find that since there are so many types of Zoas, that it's hard to say all like dirty water. I keep my water pristine and I'm having some grow insanely fast, while others go slow, and when they were in my nano, a very dirty tank, some of the now slow growers were fast and vice versa.

+1 Just depends on the Z or P. I also don't think you need to worry about just your skimmer over cleaning your water if your feeding Rods daily unless you have a great gigantic skimmer on a small tank.
I agree with everyone here. I have heard that they do better in dirty water but I just think coral in general is finicky. Even in my tank, some zoas take off with growth and others never do. Then some just slow down and the others don't.
Ok thanks for all of the advice I really appreciate it I think I will try to keep tabs on their growth
And if need be stop the use of my skimmer it isn't a very large skimmer it's max is 75 gallons so actually kinda small to typical standards I try to switch it up between rods and mysis to keep things interesting for the various creatures
I agree with everyone.i actuly just put a larger return pump so I could open the valve to my skimmer more and some of my colonies would have a couple close while the others were open and now they are all open and I feed the same. If anything make sure to spay the zoas with a little clear rods