Biocube stocking question


Well-known member
I know I have a thread somewhere but can't find it so here comes a new one

I have right now

Flame angel
2 occ clowns
One mandarin
One cleaner shrimp and a pepp shrimp

im thinking of one more fish and don't know which one ,... Had to decide fast so

My options !???

Yes I have a skimmer and very good pod population ( gonna buy some pods in this Comming week)

Please advice
I'd say a less aggressive dottyback or a sixline wrasse but they WILL out compete the mandarin for the pods what about a sunshine chromis or similar? Or a jawfish or blenny or goby?

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No jewfish lol

It's A pain in the butt

is there any specific type of less agressive dotty backs ,??

Also what kind os wrasses can I add ??
No jewfish lol

It's A pain in the butt

is there any specific type of less agressive dotty backs ,??

Also what kind os wrasses can I add ??

Purple orchid indigo sunshine dottybacks sixline cleaner possum wrasses

Like I said all of these are direct competition for the mandarin food wise

Maybe a chromis blenny or basslet?

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A six line wrasse in a biocube WILL become the backside of a mule. I have one, added it last and it is king of the tank. I got it as small as possible to give all the other inhabitants time to stake their claim. Placed it in the tank (29 Biocube) and it reigns over a Indigo Dottyback who is 2x its size. YMMV but I have experienced it first hand.
Now here is the question how about another peaceful angel like cherub angel ?

Edit : take this back lol no two angels in. Biocube
There are a few wrasses that would work in a biocube, just not a six line as stated. Just have to keep up on feedings due to your dragonette
Finally went with a court jester goby and/or a yellow clown goby :) ( if they fight. Then one of them would be in my bedroom 10 gallon) :)
Do you have hair algae for the court jester goby to graze on? He will feed on the micro fauna that lives in the hair algae.
Do you have hair algae for the court jester goby to graze on? He will feed on the micro fauna that lives in the hair algae.

Yea I do have some hair algae but not Much .,.....

Can't I supplement it with algae wafers or anything else ??