Black Sailfin Blenny


New member
Tribal Blenny

When he's actually not hiding, he's probably the coolest fish in my tank. Wild how they just chill on the rocks. Very hard to catch him at the right angle to see the white markings on his face.

Edit: Found another pic of his face, when he is in the light it almost glows. Can't find a good way to photograph it though.

Edit #2: Found out he was ID'ed wrong. After more observation and research, the LFS I got him wrong was incorrect in labeling. See post:
BTW that fish store I get to in MN has those Mitas Blenny's. They sell them for $39.99. I'll probably be there again next week if your still looking. :)
BTW that fish store I get to in MN has those Mitas Blenny's. They sell them for $39.99. I'll probably be there again next week if your still looking. :)

really?! let me knw if they have one when u go next week.. i'll pay u back if they have one and u get one for me pls :)
Welp he finally has came out of his shell and is very active. Much to my disappointed though, he is not a Black Sailfin Blenny at all. He is actually a tribal blenny that is now starting to pick on his smaller tank inhabitants. Fish store had him labeled incorrectly. I'll be finding him a new home soon in the sale section. :(