Blast...O how many more heartbreaks can I endure....


Active member
There is always one it seems.....that one dream girl that seems so "out of reach"....

so much do you want her to give you a chance to show her what "true love" really is...
to show how much she deserves to be "treated right" and how you can be "the one" to make all her dreams come true...

and then one day, you get the nerve to approach her....your opportunity to sweep her off her feet is close at hand...
and finally, she goes home with you...

you wine her, you dine her, you light up her life like none other...
you give her room to grow....she sparkles with each passing glimpse....
and finally life is is.....AWESOME!!!
and then one day...she seems unhappy....she seems sad.....everything you have been doing for her no longer seems to make her happy....

her bright smile seems dim....the glow of her complexion is now dull and....

she is weak....she is no longer seems attached.....

she is leaving me....

yes she is...just like the others....

and for the life of me I can not understand how we got to this it me? it her?
are we just not a good fit?...a compatible couple?....

my is broken...
I am sad....

but alas....
I will try again....

perhaps with another...

maybe next time things will be better...
maybe next time things will work out....
maybe next time....she will stay...

oh Blasto were once so beautiful...

last October when we first meet:

so sad today...why must you leave me:

I will miss you... :hopelessness:

have any of you been tormented by a love that seems can never be?......

please.....share with us.....share with us all.....
Feed it! Blastos are pretty hard to kill once they're well fed, and they recover pretty darned nicely. Don't abandon hope! You can save that coral! :D
I feed Azox and the occasional cyclops but I do not target feed....would you suggest anything more?
I don't feed mine. I have found its all placement. I start my blasto in a shaded area. After a month or two I move to direct light. After that, maybe a month I look for a new placement. What im looking for is the polyp to expand larger then ever before. That's where I keep the blasto. I have a colony that started with 1 head and has 30+ now. I've had it a year and a half. Few other colonies that have gained10+ heads in a year. The big colony actually drops heads and now they are starting a new colony.

Maybe feeding will help save that coral. I don't know, but if you try again find that perfect spot. My red/green loves light, purple/green very low light, red/purple center low, and purplish blue mid. They are all different.
Craig, sorry about it..I have one and never feed or pay attention to it..It's grow like crazy..I really don't understand blasto...It's in my zoa tank and water is not good like the SPS tank...
thanks Mai....I can't understand it. when I first get them, they do so well for months and months. new growth. big and puffy. I keep them in the same spot with good lighting and flow...always on the sand bed...and then one day for no apparent reason they start to recede without warning...
Let us know how it does! I miss my blasto colony; grew it from one head to well over a dozen in about a year. :)
I like blastos too. However, it seems the Blastos from Indo do much better than the Aussie ones. And I do target feed mine. Azox and Dr G's. The tough part is keeping my other fish from stealing the food.
put it in partial shade, low flow. then target feed it with mysis. I had a few of them come back from dead skeletons so do not lose hope, if you target feed them a couple times a week they tend to be more forgiving of ultra clean water and higher light. watching them munch on mysis is a cool sight.