Blasting the Wavemakers


New member
The 10:1 or 20:1 guidelines are rather rigid. And, I have read up on the 3 types of flow.

Do you guys ever set a time of day to run the wavemakers balls out (short of a sandstorm)? Seems like a very purgative moment for the tank. Seems an hour or two a day prevents rock dandruff/detritus build up. And I have species that close their polyps at night, I might as well run it for the whole evening.
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The 10:1 or 20:1 guidelines are rather rigid. And, I have read up on the 3 types of flow.

Do you guys ever set a time of day to run the wavemakers balls out (short of a sandstorm)? Seems like a very purgative moment for the tank. Seems an hour or two a day prevents rock dandruff/detritus build up. And I have species that close their polyps at night, I might as well run it for the whole evening.

I use some virtual switches in Apex to combine 100% short pulse (mp40s) (water almost splashing out of the tank) with a gyre 90 degrees to the mp40s on long pulse for 5 minutes every hour during the day 8a to 2p and the. Again for 10 minutes/hr from 10p to 12a. This keeps detritus out of the rock work and still lets the fish sleep.
So those surges (or pulses, rather) don't have a meaningful effect on oxygenation and pH? Was the pH variability greater before you initiated that?
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