Blue jaw /chin trigger


Premium member
BLUE JAW /CHIN TRIGGER was going to pick one up this week sounds like pretty reef safe only problem i read was corals and rockwork will be rearranged pretty much daily .. True or False ?
thnx and Happy Easter
The Blue Throat Triggerfish, also known as Bluechin Triggerfish, or Gilded Triggerfish, is grayish-brown, covered with light-blue spots. The fins are edged in yellow. The male of the species has a darker blue area on the cheeks, hence the name Bluechin or Blue Throat.

A 125 gallon or larger aquarium with rocks and caves provides a good environment. The Blue Throat will rearrange the landscaping and rocks. It is said to "talk," which is actually a grunting sound.
The Blue Throat Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.
Approximate Purchase Size: Female: Small 1" - 2" Medium 2" to 3" Large 3" - 4"; Male Medium: 2-1/2" to 4"; Medium/Large: 4" t
I have three different ones including a pair in my reefs over the 15 years I had reef tanks up and running. I have never had an issue with them rearranging anything in the tank. They have never picked at shrimp or corals. They have always been extremely docile in my tanks. My clown fish do more rearranging and digging than any trigger I have had in my reefs. I think they are a pretty safe bet for any reef aquarium.
I have three different ones including a pair in my reefs over the 15 years I had reef tanks up and running. I have never had an issue with them rearranging anything in the tank. They have never picked at shrimp or corals. They have always been extremely docile in my tanks. My clown fish do more rearranging and digging than any trigger I have had in my reefs. I think they are a pretty safe bet for any reef aquarium.

Glad to hear gunna order up a pair tomorrow morn
Happy Easter
I have a male blue chin in my tank , never an issue with him.

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Never rearranged my rocks hell my wrasses try to . The trigger jambs himself into a crevasse at night to sleep but thats all
Oh one thing though. I bought a pair male had the blue throat female didn’t all looked legit. Then they started fighting after some googling i find out the female can turn male they tore each other up pretty good . Now i just have the original male . So just keep eye on their behavior towards each other