Blue Midas Blenny


New member
Picked this beauty up from Reefwise yesterday.

Be careful, Jeppun might try to :ph34r: it...he's been looking for one fire a while. Text me the $; I'm curious if I would try to afford that sexiness.
I saw both of those guys on Friday. I SOOOO wanted to pick one up but they are HUGE. Beautiful....but HUGE. Congrats on a a gorgeous pickup.
oh heck naw.. lol jk.. beautiful midas.. im looking for a small and almost all blue like walt.. my search continues lol
I saw both of those guys on Friday. I SOOOO wanted to pick one up but they are HUGE. Beautiful....but HUGE. Congrats on a a gorgeous pickup.

He had some big ones but this one isn't. It's only about 1.5-2 inches at most. The two big ones were in the bottom row of tanks. This guy was in the top left tank by itself.
Picked this beauty up from Reefwise yesterday.

he's like my 2nd one... actually not blue... it will turn gold. What I've read is they turn blueish when stressed or nervous... mine is never blue now..

my first was a true blue from DD. Thing was a dark blue and no shades of gold... but it jumped during a power outage... haven't seen one come up anywhere, thought mine was blue ti i started to do some research.. sorry don't mean to burst ur bubble.

this is after couple days

this was after 1 month

and now its barely any blue
Great fish regardless of the color. I actually had a purplish/grey midas blenny a few years ago. Picked him up from PetCo for $7. One of my favorite fish ever.
We could be wrong but we are pretty sure it is a true African Blue Midas Blenny as opposed to the stress dark blenny. This blenny has a light and bright translucent blue body as opposed to the dark and dull purple/black of the stressed blenny. Also, the fish does not have the light blotches on its body like stressed Blennies have.

The fish is gorgeous!
the large ones in the bottom tank were certainly Blues. They had no yellow like the one Brian has in the pic above. They also had the striations and lines that a Blue Midas would have.