blue spot jawfish

pic? build him a pvc condo if you like your water to stay clear and to keep him happy. put LR rubble around his openings so he can close them up at night.
I had one before he lasted 6 or 7 years couldn't ask for much more than that then one day he just didn't open the door again. I built the pvc condo hopefully I can get a pic. I got him from tank envy / onepoorreefer he said he was going to be a sponser on here soon so he gave me the discount. Couldn't be happier I bought a couple frags and he threw in a small cleanup crew nice guy. Paid $65 for him I have been looking so I knew it was a deal
Blake this was a thread for someone else I don't know why you think you can come in this one when I was giving prompts to someone elses store
My sincerest apologies. I missed the part of this thread saying it was from another store, and was not trying to compete. This was not my intention whatsoever, and I want to express my deepest apologies to tank envy for my mistake.