Blue Tang in a 14g BioCube?


New member
Now that I have your attention...

Smallest blue tang I have ever seen, maybe 1 1/4" tip to tip. Since the BC14 is empty now other than a few last things to move over, I figured it makes a perfect holding place for the little guy for a week before its taken to its new home in KennyT's reef.

Don't worry bleeding hearts and tang po-po's... its got more than enough room for comfort and nothing it has to compete with for the week!
i think thats fine i put a baby fox face and a baby chevron on a cube when i find em small i like to think they are like nano frags except nano sized fish lol
Oh no! They're here!

Now that I have your attention...

Smallest blue tang I have ever seen, maybe 1 1/4" tip to tip. Since the BC14 is empty now other than a few last things to move over, I figured it makes a perfect holding place for the little guy for a week before its taken to its new home in KennyT's reef.

Don't worry bleeding hearts and tang po-po's... its got more than enough room for comfort and nothing it has to compete with for the week!

that's pretty cool my girlfriend wants one blue tang the size of a dime a quarter at the biggest for here little 14 gallon biocube. i told her she could for a short time or at least until it gets around an inch to 2 inches then i can put him in the 185 gallon. it looks good though.