BNARC April 26th 2015 BNARC meeting.

April BNARC meeting. We have the party room at the Culver's on Hershey Road in Bloomington reserved for a meeting starting at 1 p.m. on April 26th. Since our last meeting Scott White has resigned as BNARC BOD Secretary so if you have an interest in this position let us know. This is an important position because this person is our record keeper and helps communicate the results of our meetings and events to those not present. If we get a carpool together to go the CMAS event on the 25th we can share what it was like to those who do not go. I was at Culver's and Brett's tank looks great so it will be a great environment .
Don't forget today's meeting at Culver's on Hershey in Bloomington, IL at 1 today. We had 7 BNARC ers at the CMAS event yesterday. it was a good time.
Today 4/26/2015, we had a good BNARC Meeting. We have determined we are going with a new host and template for our website. Thanks to our newest member Ted Meredith , Beth Meredith's husband for all the research he did. Bruce Petersen took the meeting minutes and those will be posted. We found Culver's tank to be a great backdrop for your meeting. Thanks to Culver's on Hershey for the use of the meeting room. If you would like to host the May meeting please contact me, otherwise we will have it in Culver's again. The Treasure reported the only transaction is the addition of $66 to our balance from a previous meeting. Three bags of the frozen fish food we made at Miller Park Zoo were sold so we will have an additonal $36 dollars to add to the treasury. We want to thank Aqua-Tech for being a sponsor and the donations that were made of Red Sea products and New Era Food.
Great to Hear Carl. If you need a consult on the website or hosting, drop me a line. I'll dig some time out of my schedule and lend a hand.