BNARC carpool to CMAS Fragfest at Odem Expo Saturday April 25th

BNARC carpool to CMAS Fragfest at Odem Expo Saturday
I need to know who will be going with to the CMAS fragfest this coming Saturday. For the trip to CMAS we will leave from the Walmart on West Market in Bloomington at 8 a.m. sharp. Please let me know if you plan to ride with us so we know if we need more than just my van. I can seat up to 6 . Paid Club members $5, non-members $10. To help cover the cost of gas.
Van full Ken Bilow, Harold Lynnwood Mccampbell Jr., Jim Cooke, Beth Meredith and husband, and Me. We would need someone to volunteer and second vehicle if more want to go.
BNARC had a great time ..... part of our fun is being trapped in the van for hours getting to know one was a fun ride up and great to get to see so many friends among the vendors and attendees. I took a couple of raffle items home and some very nice corals. I appreciate the two shops aquapros and reefwise who extended their hours so we could visit their shops after the event. I had BNARC members who had never visited chicagoland shops before and they loved the two shops we were able to visit as well as those at the event.