Breeding Angelfish


New member
Have any of you had any success in Breeding Angel Fish? I know it particularly much different then breeding clowns. Can any of you share your process? For example. Tank Set up, Size. Feeding schedule etc. Thanks
No one here will have any relevant experience (unless the few who work/worked at the Shedd actually chime in). Check out Marini's efforts. If you are interested in Angel breeding check out
I am about to start up a project to work on Angelfish breeding. From my reading guys are having success with the spawning pairs or trios depending on the type of angel. They can be in a stand alone tank by themselves or others have them in their reefs or community tanks. I am going to use 1/2 of a 50 breeder I have and going to work with dwarf angel species. Keys to get them to spawn are feeding highly nutritious foods multiple times a day and maintaining a good water parameters. As far as rearing the larvae there is less information to go by as the people who are having success are keeping a tight lid on their processes due to business reasons. They are easier to do if you have a source of wild phytoplankton ie live by an ocean. It have heard recently a hobbyist having some success with captive culture foods. There is some information on MBI. I guess that person did a presentation on what they did at some recent event.